
Keeping your Personal Finances in Shape

While it’s highly recommended that we use a financial advisor when we start to grow our investment portfolio, there are a lot of things you can do before you ever speak to a financial advisor to grow and maintain your investment portfolio. Investing, like everything...

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Asset Protection: 5 Things You Probably Haven’t Considered

Business owners who have acquired a lot of personal assets face the possibility of having their assets targeted by creditors who want to resolve a business liability. This is especially true in the case of a business owner who guarantees a debt of the business with...

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Social Security Facts for 2019

As of December 2018, more than 43.7 million retired Americans collected Social Security, with more than 8 million disabled workers collecting benefits as well. But Social Security is much more than retirement income. Along with providing a small income to millions of...

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3 Ways to Tap Your Life Insurance While You’re Living

Most financial planners agree that life insurance is essential for protecting families against financial loss, which is why many recommend purchasing the maximum amount needed at the cheapest cost using a term policy. Where they start to diverge in their thinking is...

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An Estate Planning Primer for Business Owners

As if business owners didn’t have enough to contend in managing their business and personal finances, there is one particular aspect of their financial lives that is often neglected until it’s too late, and that is the management of their estate. Yet, it is the one...

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Get In shape – Financial Fitness 101

We’re all familiar with fitness fanatics, raving about life changing workouts guaranteed to get you into tip top shape. While there is a new fitness craze in the air, it’s time to exercise your wallet. Financial Fitness is a set of goals or programs to help you...

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FinTech – What Apps You Should Know

Smart-phones are less of an option these days and more of an extension of everyday life. Your phone is there for you when you need to know the weather, connect with your friends and colleagues, and when you just have to post that perfect Instagram of yesterday’s...

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Why Financial Literacy is Important

Being financially literate in today’s economic climate is more important than ever. Understanding finances can help you make better money management decisions, budget your money properly, adequately save for college, and be financially prepared for retirement. While...

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